As we get closer to the new year, many people across the world are considering next year’s resolutions. They ruminate on all of the things they didn’t do throughout the year. Maybe they wanted to lose weight or finally write that book they’ve been meaning to.
But for whatever reason life got in the way.
While self reflection and new year resolutions are helpful, they can often leave us feeling disappointed in ourselves. Sometimes it’s good to look back and and take count of all the goals we actually did accomplish.
A common practice is the use of manifestation lists.
They help us stay focused and motivated, especially when a project is taking for~eeee~ver.
Basically you make a list of all the cool shit you’ve accomplished throughout the week/month/year. Below is an example of Story Ninjas’ yearly manifestation list.
Participated in an Entrepreneur and Business Expo in Palm Beach
Attended Palm Beach County business development board entrepreneur lunch-in at the convention center
Created an Story-Ninjas Instagram
Participated in bowling fundraiser for alzheimer's
Started a podcast
Won the Palm Beach State College Entrepreneurship Award
Attended the Stonewall Ball
Participated in a COMPASS Holiday Mixer
Published Steampunk Wars: Down the Rabbit Hole
Helped Dr. Marla Friedman publish The Good Cancer: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Published Father of the Bride, Mother of Bride, and Mother of the Groom in our Wedding Mentor series
Published the first book in our ongoing series about the Modern Monomyth The Iconic Hero’s Journey: How To Write The Classic Hero Archetype
So now that you’ve seen an example of what a manifestation list looks like, what cool shit did you do this year? Let us know.
As always we want to thank you for subscribing. If there’s anything we can do to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions, feel free to contact us at
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Twitter: @StoryNinjas
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Facebook: StoryNinjasHQ
LinkedIn: Story-Ninjas
Blogger: Story-NinjasHQ
PS: If we owe you a free book from the expo, expect to see it in the next week or so. If you’d like a free book, check out our books on Amazon, and let us know which one.
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